But Obduction should have had some kind of camera function or somthing so you could photograph clues or something.
Press the button on the paper hanging on the wall, enter the number 8, press that button, then the one on the imager. Replaying one of my all time favorite puzzle game.Seeing the Classic / Original Myst 1 in Full 3D.

Familiarize yourself with the island, flip the 7 Switches you can reach, then return to the dock and enter the fore-chamber.

I could excuse this in Myst because it was already doing everything it could with the technology available at the time. There, and in 7 other places are Marker Switches. tender engine Mechanical Age - Myst Walkthrough Myst Game Walkthrough and. Any hints on where I went wrong and what I should have done with that code Showing 1 - 7 of 7 comments. So instead of just noodling hard on the puzzle, everything is broken up with laborious travel. Hints in realMyst ME and controls : myst WebRotate the Fortress Go to the back. I remember seeing a code for Rime but never made it there. Then you wonder if maybe you're looking in the wrong place. But unlike ordinary walkthroughs or cheats, we show you just the hints you need, so your game is never spoiled. "Hmmm, maybe it's saying this?" So you walk all the way over there and try that. We give you as much detail as any walkthrough, to help you finish. Hes honestly very sound.oops, already got the blue page. It doesn't work, so you have to trudge back over there and see if you were missing something. Journeying back to the red page in the Mechanical age, I brought it back and added it to the red book. Instead, you'll find something you *think* is a clue, or you think you might have a way to interpret the clue, and so you traverse to the other side of the map to try it out. And the solutions aren't obvious enough that you can immediately say "oh this is clearly the answer to that puzzle there" and then go over and solve the puzzle.

So like, the clue to a puzzle on one side of the map will be found in a book somewhere else. The problem is that they don't have an inventory system. So, Myst (and later Obduction) are both difficult/obtuse puzzle games.